
Enhance Your AR15 Experience with Custom 40 Round PMAGs!

Make a Statement: Express Yourself with Every Shot!

With our custom ejection port dust covers, you have the opportunity to showcase your personality, passions, and creativity like never before. Embrace your freedom with custom AR parts that elevate your rifle to a whole new level. Plus, if we don’t have a design for you already, design your own!

Enhanced Aesthetics: Stand Out While Shooting!

Custom AR dust covers can enhance the overall appearance of your AR-15 rifle. Whether you prefer a sleek and minimalist design or an intricate and bold statement, a customized dust cover can elevate the visual appeal of your firearm.

Instant Identification: No More Mix-ups or Wasted Time!

Avoid any mix-ups and ensure that your firearm stands out from the crowd with our custom AR 15 dust covers. Personalize your rifle and eliminate any chance of confusion or mistaken identity. No more worrying about accidentally picking up someone else's firearm at the range or during training sessions. Buying one of our caliber identifier dust covers can also ensure you don’t make the costly mistake wrong caliber in your AR. Don't settle for blending in when you can get a custom ejection port cover and personalize your AR.


The Magpul Enhanced Ejection Port Cover Features:

  • Enhanced polymer

  • Manufactured to Mil-Spec Standards

  • Install in seconds

  • Used in AR-15 rifles and pistols

  • Designed for most standard mil-spec uppers including .223 Remington, 5.56 NATO, .300 AAC BLACKOUT and many other AR-15 compatible calibers

  • Vivid and durable finish

  • All-in-one dust cover

  • Apply an image to the outside, inside or both!

We use the Magpul enhanced ejection port cover as a base for our polymer custom dust covers. This made in the USA ejection port door cover is designed for easy installation, lasting strength, and corrosion resistance. It will snap easily into place on standard Mil-spec uppers without having to remove your hand guard or barrel nut, mess with any springs, or adjust small e-clips. Add a design to the inside or outside of this ejection port cover for fun with shooting.

Reliable Protection & Durability: Designed to Last Shot after Shot!

Experience the exceptional quality and functionality of the Magpul ejection port cover, a true game-changer for AR enthusiasts. Engineered to perfection, the Magpul ejection port cover seamlessly integrates into your AR-15, providing reliable protection for your firearm. Made from the same polymers as the magazines, its robust construction ensures longevity, withstanding the rigors of intense shooting sessions and demanding environments. The user-friendly design allows for quick and easy installation, so you can spend less time tinkering and more time enjoying your firearm. With a sleek and streamlined profile and our added customizations, your new ejection port cover will not only enhances the aesthetics of your AR but also enhances its overall performance.

Explore Our Designs or Build Your Own

Endless Customization: Made to Order Designs

Our made-to-order custom ejection port covers are here to redefine personalized AR parts. Your firearm should reflect who you are. That’s why we have a range of options or you can customize your own to express your passions, beliefs, or military affiliations like never before. With our custom ejection port covers, you can now show off at the range, start conversations, and turn heads wherever you go. Embrace the power of personalization and unlock the potential to create a truly unforgettable AR-15 experience. Join us at My Southern Tactical and let us help you make your mark in the firearms community.

UV Hardened Designs: Build to Last

Your custom-designed ar ejection port cover is produced using hardened UV color ink. Each image is professionally printed onto the side for a durable finish for years to come. Any image you wish is possible with the exception of metallic inks.

Durable and Rugged: An Effective Upper Receiver Upgrade

When it comes to durability and ruggedness, our custom ejection port covers are in a league of their own. The dust cover is durable, injection-molded polymer that will not bend or deform from impacts. We understand that your AR-15 is not just a showpiece; it's a tool that demands reliability and resilience. Whether you're out in the field, navigating challenging terrains, or engaging in intense shooting sessions, your ejection port cover will remain steadfast, providing unrivaled protection for your rifle's internals.

Easy Installation: Get Back to What You Love

We understand that you'd rather spend your time at the range or exploring the great outdoors, rather than struggling with complex installations. That's why we're using the Magpul dust cover which is incredibly easy to equip your AR-15 with. There is direct replacement for USGI ejection port cover on forged Mil-spec upper receivers making the switch a breeze! With a simple and straightforward installation process, you'll have your personalized cover in place in no time. Our covers are expertly crafted to fit seamlessly onto your AR-15, ensuring a snug and secure fit. No need for specialized tools or complicated instructions – just a few simple steps, and you're ready to showcase your style.

Why My Southern Tactical?

At My Southern Tactical, we saw a need for customization, and we provided it. We bring what marksmen and hunters want. Whether you're an expert or a beginner getting a grip on safe shooting, we supply gun owners with the custom firearm accessories they need to make their weapons uniquely theirs. Thanks to our diverse design, color, and pattern selections, you can mix and match and switch out the custom ar 15 accessories you want to use. Having fair prices on our products, so nothing is out of reach.

Browse and shop our vast lineup for the ultimate personalization of your AR-15. We supply the greatest collection of custom AR-15 dust covers to enhance the aesthetic of your weapon while they remain reliable and functional. With durable designs, you can rest assured that they will last for quite some time if carefully handled. In our assorted collection of dust covers, each image is printed professionally.

Take your time and check out our high quality polymer AR-15 dust covers above. We carry fantastic patriotism, humor, pop culture, and other designs that may spark your interest. We also have steel ejection port covers and a range of other ar 15 accessories. Shop today!

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